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Josefa Urbach (Kronstein)

Born: 02-21-1895
Faculty: Medical School | Medical University Vienna
Category: Expelled teacher

Josefa Maria Wilhelmine URBACH (née KRONSTEIN), born on February 21st, 1895 in Vienna/Austro-Hungarian Empire [Austria] (entitled residency ("heimatberechtigt") for Vienna/Austria, citizenship 1938: Austria), was a scientific assistant at the X-ray outpatient department (head: Prof. Max Sgalitzer, of the 1st Surgical University Clinic (head: Prof. Egon Ranzi) of the University of Vienna in the Vienna General Hospital (AKH) in 1938.

She was Roman Catholic and was persecuted under National Socialism on racial grounds, as she was considered a "Mischling 2nd degree" according to Nazi racial criteria and her husband was considered Jewish: her contract was terminated as of April 1938, her husband's venia legendi was revoked, and both were expelled from the University of Vienna.

She had received her "" from the University of Vienna on July 26th, 1921 and three days later on July 29th, 1921, she married the dermatologist Erich Urbach M.D. (1893-1946) and they had two sons: Friedrich/Frederick (1922-2004) and Hans/John Urbach (1924-?).
Josefa Urbach was employed since April 1927 as a paid scientific assistant at the X-ray outpatient department of the 1st Surgical University Clinic, Erich Urbach had habilitated in 1929 and, in addition to his lectureship and work as an assistant at the University Clinic for Dermatology and Venereal Diseases of the University of Vienna, was also a primary physician at the Hospital of the Vienna Merchants' Association. Together they had also opened a joint private practice, he as a specialist in dermatology and allergies, she as a specialist in radiology, diagnostics and therapy - initially in Vienna's 1st district, Gonzagagasse 12, from 1937 in Vienna's 1st district, Schottenring 7.

After the "Anschluss", the family had to flee Vienna, and as soon as Josefa Urbach had obtained affidavits and visas for herself and the two children at the American Embassy in Vienna on August 1st, 1938, she was able to leave the country for France on the same day. She traveled with the children on August 5th, 1938 from LeHavre/France on the SS Georgic to the USA, where they arrived in New York City, NY on August 14th, 1938. Her husband had already emigrated to the USA via England in late March. The family lived in Cheltenham, Montgomery, PA, in 1940 and eventually settled in Elkins Park, Philadelphia, PA, where Erich Urbach became head of the Allergy Department of the Jewish Hospital and Associate Professor of Dermatology at the University of Pennsylvania, and where Josepha Urbach again joined him in establishing her own practice of dermatology and radiology. In 1943, they were granted U.S. citizenship.

Her husband died, only 53 years old, in Philadelphia, PA in 1946. Josepha Urbach was able to continue working as a physician and radiologist in private practice and her two sons also became physicians - Frederick Urbach (1922-2004), became a physician and director of the Science Center Skin and Cancer Hospital at Temple University and also John H. Urbach (1924-?), became a physician and professor of dermatology at the Medical College of the University of Pennsylvania.

An application for compensation that she submitted to the Hilfsfond für politisch Verfolgte in Vienna in 1963 was granted in 1965 with a civil service compensation payment.

Dr. Josepha Urbach, née Kronstein, died in August 1981 in Montgomery, Lycoming County, PA/USA and is buried in Chelten Hills Cemetery there.

Lit: Archives of the University of Vienna/enrollment forms ("Nationale") MED 1916-1921, graduation registry ("Promotionsprotokoll") MED 1919-1923 M33.11, Rectorate GZ 677 ex 1937/38 No. 91, GZ 680/I+II ex 1937/38, personnel roster University of Vienna 1937/38, 45, 113; Austrian State Archives OeStA/AdR E-uReang/VVSt/VA 41108, OeStA AdR E-uReang Hilfsfonds Abgeltungsfonds 8645, OeStA AdR E-uReang FLD 11894; Municipal and Provincial Archives of Vienna WStLA A41 244 N, 111, Bezirk 1 Vermögensentziehungsanmeldung; Kamila STAUDIGL-CIECHOWICZ, Das Dienst-, Habilitations- und Disziplinarrecht der Universität Wien 1848–1938, Göttingen 2017, 326; REITER-ZATLOUKAL/SAUER 2023; information from Dr. Barbara Sauer, Vienna 10/2022; UB MedUni Wien/van Swieten Blog;;;;

Herbert Posch

Notification that Josefa Urbach will not appear for the obligatory oath of service to Adolf Hitler, which was forbidden to Jews, March 24th, 1938, © Archive of the University of Vienna
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