University of Vienna - Main page

Gerhart Grötzinger

Faculty: Philosophical School
Category: Expelled teacher
Dr. Gerhart GRÖTZINGER was a post-doc scientist ("wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft) at the 3rd institute of physics (head: Prof. Felix EHRENHAFT) at the Philosophical School of the University of Vienna. On March 25, 1938 he was not allowed to give the obligatory oath to the "Fuehrer" for racist reason as he was regarded as a Jew followed by immediate discharge - as well as the head of the institute and his colleagues Alfred LUSTIG and Max REISS. He had studied physics at the University of Vienna and had graduated in 1931 ("Dr. phil.") with his thesis "Versuche über die Abhängigkeit der Temperaturverteilung an der Oberfläche fester Körper von hohen elektrostatischen Feldern im umgehenden Gas".

Lit.: Archive of the University of Vienna, Personalstand 1937/38, 1937, 116; Rigorosenprotokoll Nr. 10954, gedrucktes Promotionsverzeichnis 1872-1933, Bd. 3, 73; FLECK/ZEILINGER 2003, 40f.

Herbert Posch

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