University of Vienna - Main page

Hans Müller (Müller-Einigen)

Born: 10-25-1882
Faculty: Philosophical School
Category: Deprivation of academic degree
Hans MÜLLER (MÜLLER-EINIGEN) (born on October 25th, 1882 in Andreasberg/Bohemia [Ondrejov u Kaplice/Czech Republic] (Bruenn lt. Ausb.liste), died on March 8th, 1950 in Einigen/Switzerland), had graduated at the Philosophical School of the University of Vienna in History on June 19th, 1906 with the academic degree 'Dr. phil.' (dissertation: 'Englands Stellung zu Oesterreich von 1740-1756').
In times of Nazism he was deprived of his academic degree on February 28th, 1942 with the racist argument, that he as a Jew was not considered dignified an academic degree of a German university ('eines akademischen Grades einer deutschen Hochschule unwuerdig').
It took 13 years since the deprivation - and a very long time since the end of Nazism - until the regranting of the doctorate took finally place on May 13th, 1955.

more detailled biography only in >>> German (to be translated soon)

Lit.: Archive of the University of Vienna/graduation registry ("Promotionsprotokoll") PHIL 1905-1913 Nr. 110, IUR 1904, rectorate 1557 ex 1939/40/41, GZ 1695 ex 1939/40/41, GZ 561 ex 1944/45 ONr. 15; Deutscher Reichsanzeiger Nr. 56 from March 7, 1941; OeBL 1975; BOLBECHER/KAISER 2000, 493f.; BLUMESBERGER 2002, 954; POSCH 2009, 451; MAIBACH 2008; estate at the Austrian Theatermuseum Vienna; Deutsche Biographie.

Katharina Kniefacz, Herbert Posch

Herbert Posch

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