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Amelie Merdinger

Born: 05-04-1914
Faculty: Medical School | Medical University Vienna
Category: Expelled student

Amelie MERDINGER, born on May 4th, 1914 in Vienna/Austria (entitled residency ("heimatberechtigt") for Vienna/Austria, citizenship 1938: Austria), daughter of Dr. Adolf Merdinger (physician), lived in Vienna's 6th district, Mariahilfer Strasse 33, later 9th district, Waehringer Strasse 3, was enrolled in fall term 1937/38 at the Medical School in the 3rd year of her studies, paused in spring term 1938 and enrolled again in fall term 1938/39 at the Medical School (fall term 1938/39 was validated on April 22nd, 1939).

In 1937, she gave the doctor Dr. Adolf Merdinger as her father on her enrolment, then in 1938 a deceased farmer with the first name Leopold as her biological father and Dr. Adolf Merdinger only as her guardian. She was a Protestant AB and declared on oath that she was "Aryan" and was therefore able to continue her studies for the time being after the Anschluss in 1938. At the end of 1941, she had already completed all her courses and passed her first viva when a decision by the Reichssippenamt Berlin in 1941 declared her father, Dr. Adolf/Aron Merdinger, who until then had been considered a "Mischling 2. Grades" (mixed race), to be a "full Jew", which meant that she was declared to be a "Mischling 1. Grades" instead of an "Aryan". When it was discovered during an examination that Amalie Merdinger had not yet provided proof of Aryan origin, she was initially prohibited from taking examinations.

At the end of October 1941, she then asked the dean to at least conditionally allow her to take the open final rigorous examinations (legally binding recognition only after approval by the Berlin Reich Ministry of Education (REM)). This was forwarded by the dean on October 31st, 1941, with the remark that Merdinger was considered a "Mischling 1. Grades" according to previous examination results, but according to her own statements, she was of Aryan descent, but this had not yet been documented. In the dean's mandatory report on "racial and character suitability", he stated: "There is actually nothing Jewish about her appearance. I am familiar with her to the extent that I have nothing negative to say about her". Nevertheless, he summoned her again two weeks later and then provided the REM with the following addition or correction to his initial assessment: "I have summoned her, but I am not in a position to say anything reliable about her appearance, as I have subsequently learned that she dyes her hair blonde, which greatly alters her appearance."

On February 9th, 1942, the REM decided (Erl. WF 317) that she would definitely not be allowed to take the final examinations because, as a "Mischling 1. Grades", she had no prospect of "appointment" (admission to practice/professional license), which she was informed of via the rector and dean on March 10th, 1942 and meant the forced termination of her almost completed medical studies for racist reasons. She had to leave the University of Vienna and worked as a surgical assistant.

She was only able to apply for admission to the last open examinations again after the end of National Socialism, passed them and on November 6th, 1945 was able to graduate and become a doctor at the University of Vienna in accordance with the Austrian study regulations reintroduced at the time.

She died in Vienna in October 1992 at the age of 78 and is buried at the Vienna Central Cemetery/Crematory.

Lit.: Archive of the University of Vienna/enrollment forms ("Nationale") MED 1935-1941, Rectorate GZ 944 ax 1941/42, graduation registry ("Promotionsprotokoll") MED M 33.14 No. 1314;, REITER-ZATLOKAL/SAUER 2024; information of Dr. Barbara Sauer, Vienna 10/2019.

Herbert Posch

enrollment form of Amelie Merdinger, MED fall term 1937/38, (front), photo: Herbert Posch, © Archive of the University of Vienna

enrollment form of Amelie Merdinger, MED fall term 1937/38, (back), photo: Herbert Posch, © Archive of the University of Vienna

enrollment form of Amelie Merdinger, MED fall term 1938/39, (front), photo: Herbert Posch, © Archive of the University of Vienna

enrollment form of Amelie Merdinger, MED fall term 1938/39, (back), photo: Herbert Posch, © Archive of the University of Vienna

Graduation of Amelie Merdinger, graduation registry MED, photo: Herbert Posch, © Archive of the University of Vienna
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