University of Vienna - Main page

Alfred Lustig

Born: 10-10-1908
Faculty: Philosophical School
Category: Expelled teacher
Dr. Alfred Lustig, born on October 10th, 1908 in Vienna/Austria (entiteled residency: Vienna, citizenship: Austria) as son of Max Lustig and Aranka Lustig, née Schik. He had graduated from highschool ("Humanistisches Gymnasium in Wien VI") in June 1927 and studied physics and mathematics at the University of Vienna from fall term 1927/28 till spring term 1931. He graduated in physics on February 12th, 1932 ("Dr. phil.") with his thesis "Untersuchungen über eine Abhängigkeit der Brownschen Bewegung vom Polarisationszustand des beleuchtenden Strahls" and was a post-doc scientist ("wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft) at the 3rd institute of physics (head: Prof. Felix EHRENHAFT) at the Philosophical School of the University of Vienna.
He lived in Vienna's 6th district, Linke Wienzeile 168/17. On March 25th, 1938 he was not allowed to give the obligatory oath to the "Fuehrer" for racist reason as he was regarded as a Jew followed by immediate discharge - as well as the head of the institute and his colleagues Max REISS and Gerhart GRÖTZINGER. Alfred Lustig's field of interest and research was rather unusual in Vienna at that time: electrophoresis, research on the mechanics of liquids and gases (e.g. hydrostatics and hydrodynamics, research on colloids, viscosity and aerodynamics). He was unable to escape from Vienna in time and was deported from Vienna 16th district, Ottakringer Strasse 43, to Nisko in occupied Poland on October 20th, 1939 and did not survive.

Lit.: Archive of the University of Vienna/final examination register and file ("Rigorosenakt und -protokoll") PHIL 11136, graduation registry (Promotionsprotooll") PHIL 1931-1941, Nr. 187, Rectorate GZ 680 ex 37/38, letter from March 23, 1938; personnel rooster ("Personalstand") 1937/38, Wien 1937, 116; FLECK/ZEILINGER 2003, 40f.; victims database Yad Vashem.

Herbert Posch

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