Luise Löwe (verh. Jelinek)
Born: |
02-22-1899 |
Faculty: |
Medical School | Medical University Vienna |
Category: |
Expelled student |
Dr. Luise LOEWE (later married JELINEK), born on February 22
nd, 1899 in in Vienna/Austria (entitled residency ('heimatberechtigt') for Vienna/Austria, Citizenship: Austria), daughter of Heinrich Löww (expedient), lived in Wien 6, Liniengasse 17. She had graduated in chemistry in 1929 and gained a "Dr. phil." degree with dissertation "Untersuchungen über Furfuralbildung bei Glykolen" am Medizinisch-chemischen Institut (Leitung Prof. Fuerth) and published with Fritz Lieben and Bella Bauminger besides to her medical studies. She was enrolled finally in the fall term 1938/39 at the Medical School in the 4
th year of her studies (fall term 1938/39 was validated on April 5
th, 1939).
She was discriminated as a so called 'Mischling 1. Grades' and she could continue her studies at first – valid until revoked. She could even graduate in medicine on December 11
th, 1942 besides to all restrictions and was banned from her profession.After the end of National-Socialism he could practice as a physician in July 1945 and had a practice general practicioner in Vienna's first district, Gonzagagasse 17/3.
She died on April 5
th, 1969 in Vienna.
Lit.: POSCH/INGRISCH/DRESSEL 2008, 432; Vienna University Archive/Philosophical School, “Rigorosenakt” 10374, Medical School, “Nationale“; information from Dr. Barbara Sauer, Vienna 09 / 2018; KOROTIN I, 2016, 228; REITER-ZATLOUKAL/SAUER 2022.
Herbert Posch