Born: | 01-08-1917 |
Faculty: | Law School |
Category: | Expelled student |
Georg LICHTENSTERN, born on January 8th, 1917 in Vienna/Austria (entitled residency ("heimatberechtigt") for Vienna/Austria, citizenship 1938: Austria), lived in Vienna's 9th district, Liechtensteinstrasse 119/18, since February 1936. After he had graduated from high school ("Bundesgymnasium") in Vienna 9th district, Wasagasse, he completed a post-secondary course at a Commercial College ("Abiturientenkurs der Wiener Handels-Akademie") and subsequently began to study law at the University of Vienna in fall term 1936/37. His father had already died, his legal guardin, banker Max Eisner, lived in Vienna's 9th district, Alserstrasse 14. Georg Lichtenstern was last enrolled in fall term 1937/38 at the Law School in the 2nd year of his studies.
In 1938, after the takeover of power of National-Socialism he was forced to quit his studies for racist reason and to leave the University of Vienna.
He had to flee Vienna but did not succeed to emigrate in time. He was deported from Vienna's 9th district, Liechtensteinstrasse 119/18 to ghetto Litzmannstadt [Lódz]/Poland on October 15th, 1941.
Lit.: Archive of the University of Vienna/enrollment forms ("Nationale") IUR 1936–1938; POSCH/INGRISCH/DRESSEL 2008, 429; DÖW 2001; Vienna City archive/Historical Central Registration of Viennese inhabitants; Yad Vashem.