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Georg (Jirka) Hitschmann

Born: 02-07-1903
Faculty: Philosophical School
Category: Deprivation of academic degree

Georg (Jirka) HITSCHMANN, born on February 7th, 1903 in Nachod/Bohemia [Czech Republic] (entitled residency ('heimatberechtigt') for Nachod, Citizenship: Czechoslovakian), was the son of Leopold Hitschmann (manufacturer in Nachod) and his wife Elsa nee Klein. After he had graduated from Bohemian high school ("Realgymnasium”) in Nachod, he enrolled at the University of World Trade in Vienna ("Hochschule für Welthandel") in Vienna in fall term 1921/22. In the following spring term 1922 he began to study chemistry at the Philosophical School at the University of Vienna. Hitschmann lived in Vienna 9th district, Seegasse 4/8, was finally enrolled in spring term 1927 in the 6th year of his studies and wrote his doctoral thesis ("Dissertation") titled 'Ueber Toluolsulfochloride' at the Laboratory of chemical technology, encouraged and supervised by Prof. Jacques Pollak. He graduated at the Philosophical School in Chemistry on June 15th, 1928 with the academic degree 'Dr. phil.'. Between March and November 1928 he lived in Vienna 9th district, Porzellangasse 43. Subsequently he moved back to Nachod.

After the "Anschluss" 1938 Georg Hitschmann was able to emigrate to Mexico City, where he still lived in the late 1980s and died later.
In times of Nazism he was deprived of his academic degree on July 22nd, 1943 with the racist argument, that he as a Jew was not considered dignified an academic degree of a German university ('eines akademischen Grades einer deutschen Hochschule unwuerdig').
It took 12 years since the deprivation - and a very long time since the end of Nazism - until the regranting of the doctorate took finally place on May 15th, 1955.

Lit.: Archive of the University of Vienna/enrollemtn forms ("Nationale") PHIL 1922-1928, graduation registry ("Promotionsprotokoll") PHIL 1922–1931 No. 1584, final examination file and -registry ("Rigorosenakt und -protokoll") PHIL No. 9814, Rectorate GZ 118/84 ex 1941/42, GZ 561 ex 1944/45 No. 15; Municipal and Provincial Archives of Vienna /Historical Central Registration of Viennese inhabitants; POSCH 2009, 426; Deutscher Reichsanzeiger Nr. 268 of November 15, 1941;;;; information by courtesy of Sasha Meyer, Netherlands, 2013.

Katharina Kniefacz and Herbert Posch

Georg Hitschmann's curriculum vitae from 1927, final examination files, Philosophical School Nr 9814, Photo: Katharina Kniefacz, (c) Vienna University Archive

Nationale of Georg Hitschmann, spring term 1922 (1st form, front), Photo: Katharina Kniefacz (c) Vienna University Archive

Nationale of Georg Hitschmann, spring term 1922 (1st form, back), Photo: Katharina Kniefacz (c) Vienna University Archive

Nationale of Georg Hitschmann, spring term 1922 (2nd form, front), Photo: Katharina Kniefacz (c) Vienna University Archive

Nationale of Georg Hitschmann, spring term 1922 (2nd form, back), Photo: Katharina Kniefacz (c) Vienna University Archive

Nationale of Georg Hitschmann, spring term 1927 (front), Photo: Katharina Kniefacz (c) Vienna University Archive

Nationale of Georg Hitschmann, spring term 1927 (back), Photo: Katharina Kniefacz (c) Vienna University Archive

Scientific testimony of Jacques Pollak about the thesis of Georg Hitschmann, December 3rd, 1927, (c) Vienna University Archive
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