University of Vienna - Main page

Therese Glass (verh. Biavati)

Born: 07-12-1914
Faculty: Philosophical School
Category: Expelled student
Therese GLASS, born on July 12th, 1914 in Vienna, daughter of Ernst Glass, M.D. (physician, 1869-1944) and Berta (nee Zaitschek, 1883-1946), wasn't enrolled at the Philosophical School any more in 1938, but was preparing for the final exams ('Rigorosen'). She registered for the final exams in German language and literature Studies on May 31st, 1937, and passed the first 'Rigorosum' on July 3rd, 1937. Her dissertation 'Die Form der Lyrik Richard Dehmels als Ausdruck seiner Persoenlichkeit' was accepted on June 11th, 1937 and she also passed the second 'Rigorosum' on March 10th, 1937.
She could finally finish her studies and graduated on July 21st, 1938, but only with the discriminating ceremony of a 'Nichtarierpromotion', which included at the same time that she was banned from her profession.

She got married to Mr. Biavati on September 28th, 1938 and they emigrated to Italy and lived in Bologna. Her father died in 1944 in Lausanne/Switzerland, her mother 1946 in Bologna/Italy, her brother, Ing. Arch. Heinrich Glass (born 1911), emigrated to the USA, founded the company Henry P. Glass associates Industrial Design and lived in Northfield Illinois.

There is no information about the further life and career of Therese Biavati, nee Glass, so far.

Lit: POSCH 2009, 367; Archive of the University of Vienna/Rigorosenprotocol PHIL, Graduation protocol PHIL; Austrian State Archive OeStA/AdR/BMF/AbgF 4188 (Henry Glass), AbgF 4475 (Erika Teresa Biavati); information from from Dr. Barbara Sauer, Vienna 2017; REITER-ZATLOUKAL/SAUER 2022.

Herbert Posch

Therese Glass, 'Nichtarierpromotion' on July 21st, 1938, 2825 'Promotionsprotokoll' Philosophical School 1931-1941, Photo: Herbert Posch, (c) Archiv Universität Wien
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