University of Vienna - Main page

Helene Glass (geb. Münz)

Born: 08-03-1879
Faculty: Philosophical School
Category: Deprivation of academic degree
Helene GLASS (nee MÜNZ) (born on August 3rd, 1879 in Vienna), had graduated at the Philosophical School at the University of Vienna in German language and literature Studies on November 27th, 1903 with the academic degree 'Dr. phil.' (dissertation: 'Arnims 'Gräfin Dolores'').
She married the professor of philosophy and filmproducer Max Glass in 1908, and they had two sons, Paul (1909) and Georges (1917) geboren. They went to Berlin/Germany in 1918 and had to leave and emigrated to Paris/France in 1933. 1940 they emigrated to Brasilia and later on to the USA. In times of Nazism she was deprived of her academic degree on May 8th, 1941 with the racist argument, that she as a Jew was not considered dignified an academic degree of a German university ('eines akademischen Grades einer deutschen Hochschule unwürdig'). After 1945 the family returned from the USA to Paris/France in 1945.
It took 62 years since the deprivation - and a very long time since the end of Nazism - until the regranting of the doctorate took finally place on April 10th, 2003 posthumously in a solemn ceremony.


Helene Glass, nee Münz, regranting of the doctorate on April 10th, 2003, 'Promotionsprotokoll' Philosophical School 1881-1905, Photo: Herbert Posch, (c) Archiv Universität Wien

Helene Glass, nee Münz, graduation and deprivation of the doctorate, 'Promotionsprotokoll' Philosophical School 1881-1905, Photo: Herbert Posch, (c) Archiv Universität Wien
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