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Mendel (Menahem) Fröhlich (Ronen)

Born: 07-10-1914
Faculty: Medical School | Medical University Vienna
Category: Expelled student
Mendel FROEHLICH (later Menahem RONEN), born on July 10th, 1914 in Tarnow/Poland (entitled residency ('heimatberechtigt') for Vienna, Citizenship: Austria), was the son of Markus Froehlich (merchant) and his wife Gittel. After he had graduated from high school (Chajes-Realgymnasium in Vienna) in 1932, he began to study at the Medical School of the University of Vienna in fall term 1932/33. Until his high school graduation he lived with his mother Gittel, but was registered in Vienna 2nd district, Venediger Au 2/6 from December 1932 on. He was finally enrolled in spring term 1937 in the 5th year of his studies ('Absolutorium' was certified on July 18th, 1938).
Froehlich wasn't enrolled at the Medical School any more in 1938, but was preparing for the final exams ('Rigorosen'). He could finally finish his studies and graduated on July 21st, 1938, but only with the discriminating ceremony of a 'Nichtarierpromotion', which included at the same time that he was banned from his profession. On October 23rd, 1938 he was deregistered from his address in Vienna 2nd district, Venediger Au 2/6, moving to Ellguth/Upper Silesia. Following the Novemberpogrome ("Kristallnacht") in November 1938, Mendel Froehlich was imprisoned for a while in a camp. After his release he temporarily returned to Vienna and was registered in Vienna 2nd district, Venediger Au 2/1/8 from February 14th until March 21st, 1939, when he was deregistered to an unknown place ("unbekannt"). He was able to emigrate from Austria to Great Britain as a guide in a Kindertransport group.
Having spent some time in England, he immigrated to Palestine [Israel], where he changed his name to Menahem Ronen and worked as a Kibbutz doctor. Later he moved to the Beilinson hospital in Petah Tikva near Tel Aviv.
He spent two years in Paris to specialize in nuclear medicine. After his return to Israel he moved to Beer Sheva, where, in the Soroka hospital, he became a pioneer in the field of nuclear medicine.
He was married to Rita (later Rahel) Froehlich nee Schwartz (later Ronen), had a son (Oded) and a daughter (Edna), and also raised Amikam, his wife's son from her first marriage. Menahem Ronen died in Beer Sheva in 1990 at the age of 76 years.

Lit.: information from his grandson Enkels Dr. Jonathan Rubin, Israel 2014; Vienna City archive/Historical Central Registration of Viennese inhabitants, July 8th, 2014.

Katharina Kniefacz

Mendel Fröhlich, 'Nichtarierpromotion' on July 21st 1938, 4089 'Promotionsprotokoll' Medical School 1929-1942, Photo: Herbert Posch, (c) Archiv Universität Wien

Nationale of Mendel Fröhlich, fall term 1932/33 (front), Photo: Katharina Kniefacz (c) Archives of the University of Vienna

Nationale of Mendel Fröhlich, fall term 1932/33 (back), Photo: Katharina Kniefacz (c) Archives of the University of Vienna

Nationale of Mendel Fröhlich, spring term 1937 (front), Photo: Katharina Kniefacz (c) Archives of the University of Vienna

Nationale of Mendel Fröhlich, spring term 1937 (back), Photo: Katharina Kniefacz (c) Archives of the University of Vienna

Mendel Froehlich and his wife Rita Froehlich (c) Jonathan Rubin

Mendel Froehlich's diploma 1 (c) Jonathan Rubin

Mendel Froehlich's diploma 2 (c) Jonathan Rubin
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