University of Vienna - Main page

Carla Zawisch-Ossenitz

Born: 04-15-1888
Faculty: Medical School | Medical University Vienna
Category: Expelled teacher
Carola (Carla) ZAWISCH-OSSENITZ (born on April 15th, 1888 in Znaim, Mähren, died on June 21st, 1961 in Graz) had graduated at the Medical School at the University of Vienna on June 5th, 1923 with the academic degree 'Dr. med.'. She was lecturer ('Dozent') for Histologie at the Medical School of the University of Vienna.
She was persecuted in times of Nazism because of her political orientation lost her position and was thrown out of the university on April 22nd, 1938. She was able to emigrate to France, later on to Madrid/Spain and to the USA. She returned to Austria in 1947.
She was deprived of her academic degree on September 11th, 1943 with the racist argument, that she as a Jew was not considered dignified an academic degree of a German university ('eines akademischen Grades einer deutschen Hochschule unwürdig').
It took 12 years since the deprivation - and a very long time since the end of Nazism - until the regranting of the doctorate took finally place on May 15th, 1955.
@1938 verhaftet, Venia legendi widerrufen Lit.: KEINTZEL/KOROTIN 2002, 829-834; MERINSKY 1980, 290; UB MedUni Wien/van Swieten Blog
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