University of Vienna - Main page

Albert Wiedmann

Born: 04-13-1901
Faculty: Medical School | Medical University Vienna
Category: Expelled teacher

Albert WIEDMANN, born on April 13th, 1901 in Magdeburg, was a private lecturer in dermatology and syphilidology at the Medical School of the University of Vienna in 1938.
He was persecuted as a resistance fighter under National Socialism for so-called "political" reasons and sentenced to death, but survived.

Albert Wiedmann, born in Magdeburg, Germany, in 1901, moved with his family to St. Pölten, Lower Austria, as a child, where his father became director of the Voith machine factory. He completed school in St. Pölten and began to study medicine at the University of Vienna after his school-leaving examination (Matura). He graduated as "" on March 2nd, 1928, but already during his studies he worked as a demonstrator under Rudolf Maresch at the pathological-anatomical institute, later as a surgical trainee at the II. surgical university clinic under Julius von Hochenegg and assistant doctor and from 1931 assistant at the II. dermatological university-clinic. He habilitated in dermatology and syphilidology at the University of Vienna in 1936 and became head physician ("Primar") at the dermatology department of the Rainerspital (today: Hanusch Hospital) in Vienna.  He was also a member of the Society of Physicians in Vienna from 1931.

He was appointed a "lecturer of a new order" at the University of Vienna under National Socialism in 1940, did military service in the German Wehrmacht and ran a military hospital for skin and venereal diseases at the Rainerspital, where he made contact with a resistance cell within the Vienna army patrol around Bruno Schmitz, which was betrayed in December 1944. Wiedmann was arrested by the Gestapo and sentenced to death by the People's Court in March 1945. Transferred to a military hospital due to illness, he escaped execution and survived.

In 1945, he was awarded the title of associate professor ("tit. ao. Prof.") at the University of Vienna and re-established the II. dermatological university-clinic, which was dissolved during National Socialism. After the death of his teacher and predecessor Prof. Wilhelm Kerls in 1947, he took over as associate professor. He was appointed full professor in 1950.

After 1945, as First Secretary (1945-1955), he was also centrally involved in the re-establishment of the "Gesellschaft der Ärzte in Wien".

He researched and published on numerous topics, including venereological issues, gonorrhea, pernilla monotherapy of syphilis, questions of experimental syphilis research, the varicose symptom complex, allergological and immunodermatological issues and the vegetative system of the skin, as well as ethical issues in medicine.

In 1956, he organized and chaired the 23rd Congress of the German Dermatological Society held in Vienna and was president of the Austrian Society for Dermatology and Venereology several times between 1955 and 1970.

He was a member of the Academy of Natural Scientists ("Leopoldina") and was awarded the Science Prize of the Province of Lower Austria in 1967.

Wiedmann was married to the Kammersängerin Anna Konetzni (1902-1968), honorary member of the Vienna State Opera.

Prof. Dr. Albert Wiedmann died a few days before his retirement on September 19th, 1970 in Vienna as a result of a heart condition and is buried in an honorary grave at the Protestant cemetery of the Vienna Central Cemetery.

Lit.: Archive of the University of Vienna, personnel file S 304.1387, personnel file MED S 265.4.167; Personalstand der Universität Wien 1937/38, 50; Wer ist wer 1951, 244; TEICHL 1951 , 336; Heinrich LÖHE & Erich LANGER (eds.), Die Dermatologen deutscher Sprache. Biobibliographisches Verzeichnis. Leipzig 1955, 345ff.; Anton MUSGER, Albert Wiedmann zum 65. Geburtstag, in: Der Hautarzt 17 (1966), 190f.; Stefan WOLFRAM, Albert Wiedmann zum 65. Geburtstage, in: Zeitschrift für Haut- und Geschlechtskrankheiten 40 (1966), 407f.; Alfred MARCHIONINI, Albert Wiedmann zum 60. Geburtstag, in: Der Hautarzt 12 (1961), 191f.; Gustav NIEBAUER, Albert Wiedmann 13.4.1901–19.9.1970, in: Dermatologische Monatsschrift 157 (1971), 142-144; Walther LINDEMAYR, Die Bedeutung Albert Wiedmanns für die Entwicklung der Dermatologie in Wien nach 1945, in: Wiener klinische Wochenschrift 93 (1981), 735ff.; Hermann ZEITLHOFER, Albert Wiedmann und die Wiedererrichtung der Gesellschaft der Ärzte in Wien im Jahr 1945, Vienna 2019; Evangelischer Friedhof; AustriaWiki; GeschichteWikiWien; Wikipedia.

Herbert Posch

Albert Wiedmann © Archive of the University of Vienna 106.I.1149

Albert Wiedmann, 1969, photo: Schikola, Vienna, © MUW
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