Born: | 02-15-1916 |
Faculty: | Medical School | Medical University Vienna |
Category: | Expelled student |
Gustav WENGRAF, born on February 15th, 1916 in Vienna/Austria (entitled residency ("heimatberechtigt") for Vienna/Austria, citizenship: Austria), son of Gustav Wengraf (1876-?, merchant, unemployed) and Olga Wengraf, née Lutz (1890-1960), lived in Vienna's 13th [today: Vienna's 14th] district, Einwanggasse 25. He had attended the Gymnasium Wien 13 (Fichtnergasse 15) from 1926 with good results, then had to interrupt due to a heart defect and did not pass the high school graduation (Reifepruefung/Matura) until February 1937 as an externist at the Gymnasium Wien 19 and then began to study medicine at the University of Vienna from the spring term of 1937 and was enrolled in the 2nd year of his studies at the Medical School in the spring term of 1938.
He belonged to the Protestant religious community A.B., but after the Anschluss in 1938 he was persecuted for racist reasons as a so-called "Mischling 1. Grades" and was only able to continue his studies for the time being - with the danger of revocation at any time.
He was still able to take the first via voce (Rigorosum) in the spring term of 1939 and completed his compulsory clinical examination in 1939/40, since he was not drafted in 1938 and 1939 as he was declared unfit for time due to his heart defect, but was found fit for the Ersatz-Reserve I at the muster in March 1940. At this time, in the 1st trimester of 1940, for the first time all "Mischlinge" had to submit a special application to the Reich Ministry of Education in Berlin for further admission to studies. According to regulations, the dean of the responsible Medical School, Prof. Eduard Pernkopf, had to enclose an expert opinion with the application, which "had to deal in particular with the personal impression of the applicant's personality and appearance. It is to be mentioned whether and to what extent characteristics of the Jewish race are outwardly recognizable in the applicant." [Decree of the Reich Ministry of Education, January 5th, 1940]. Dean Pernkopf stated succinctly on April 27th, 1940: "Wengraf Gustav is Mischling I. Grades; appearance not pure Aryan."
The Reich Ministry of Education announced on June 19th, 1940, that "Mischlinge 1. Grades" would in principle be denied admission to practice medicine, but after consultation with the Reichs Ministry of the Interior Wengraf would "exceptionally" still be admitted to the medical examination according to the old Austrian study regulations, since he had already successfully passed the preliminary examination (1st Rigorosum). However, it was expressly pointed out to him that as a "Mischling 1. Grades" he would still have no chance of obtaining a professional license ("Bestallung ") as a physician in the German Reich.
After successfully completing all courses, he was issued the "Absolutorium" on July 14th, 1941, and after passing the 2nd and 3rd viva voce examinations, Wengraf would have been entitled to receive his doctorate on June 16th, 1943. However, his application for admission to the doctorate was rejected by the Reich Ministry of Education in Berlin on August 26th, 1943, since no doctorate would be granted without the prospect of professional admission and this admission was generally not granted to "Mischlinge 1. Grades. The rector and dean are only authorized to issue Gustav Wengraf "a certificate stating that, apart from the proof of German-blooded descent, he has fulfilled all the requirements for the award of the doctorate. It shall be expressly noted on the certificate that it is not valid as a doctoral diploma."
It was only after the end of National Socialism that he was awarded a doctorate " univ." from the University of Vienna on the first post-war doctoral ceremony on June 8th, 1945, in accordance with the reintroduced Austrian study regulations, and the diploma was issued retroactively as of June 16th, 1943.
He then lived and worked as a doctor in Vienna 14th, Gurkgasse 50/7 and in April 1950 he was granted a victim welfare card by the Victim Welfare Department of the Vienna Provincial Government for "preventing professional training for reasons of descent".
Dr. Gustav Wengraf died in Vienna in October 1960 and is buried at the Hietzing Cemetery in Vienna.
Lit: Archives of the University of Vienna/enrollment forms ("Nationale") MED 1937-1942; graduation registry ("Promotionsprotokoll") MED 1941-1949 No 1273, Rectorate GZ 944 ex 1939/40/41 and GZ 97/I ex 1943/44, MED GZ 1115 ex 1939/40; POSCH/INGRISCH/DRESSEL 2008, 499; REITER-ZATLOUKAL/SAUER 2023; deceased search cemeteries Vienna.
Herbert Posch