Born: | 06-11-1913 |
Faculty: | Medical School | Medical University Vienna |
Category: | Expelled teacher |
Franz Phillipp WENGER, nee WEINREB, born in Vienna on June 11th, 1913, was appointed demonstrator ex propriis (without a stipend) at the Pathological-Anatomical Institute (directed by Prof. Chiari) at the Medical Faculty of the University of Vienna on February 1st, 1938.
Shortly thereafter, after the Anschluss in March 1938, he was dismissed for racist reasons and forced to leave the University of Vienna.
He was the son of the physician Dr. Josef Weinreb and his wife Marie Barbara, née Roth, and had studied medicine at the University of Vienna, receiving his doctorate (Dr. med. univ.) on December 22, 1936. He had converted from Judaism to the Old Catholic Church and lived in Vienna 6, Mariahilfer Strasse 43/16.
He had to flee from Vienna after the Nazi seizure of power and succeeded in leaving in July 1938 for Lisbon [Lisboa]/Portugal and in 1939 from Portugal via Madeira to Bolivia, and then lived from 1948 at the latest in Maracaibo, Venezuela.
His parents and his brother Ernst Wenger also managed to escape in time and emigrated to Johannesburg/South Africa, where his father Dr. Josef Weinreb (1875-1939) died shortly afterwards, and his mother Marie Barbara (1884-1973) in 1973.
Franz Wenger married Maria Bohorquez in his first marriage around 1947, with whom he had two children, later, from a second marriage, came two more children.
Dr. Franz Wenger, nee Weinreb, died on December 1st, 1988 in Maracaibo, Zulia, Venezuela.
Lit.: Archives of the University of Vienna/Rectorate GZ 680/I ex 1937/38;;, REITER-ZATLOUKAL/SAUER 2023.
Herbert Posch