University of Vienna - Main page

Alfred Georg Weiss

Born: 06-03-1913
Faculty: Philosophical School
Category: Expelled student
Alfred Georg WEISS, born on June 3rd, 1913 in Langenschwalbach [Bad Schwalbach]/Germany (entitled residency ('heimatberechtigt') for Kaschau [Košice]/Czechoslovakia, Citizenship: Czechoslovakia), was the son of Hugo Weiss (1875-ca. 1943, physician in Poland), and his wife Antonie, nee Reichenbach, who were living seperated since about 1918 – he was physician in Zawichost near Sandomierz/Poland, she moved back to her home city Halberstadt.

After he had graduated from high school ('Staatliches Domgymnasium') in Halberstadt/Germany on March 13th, 1933, Alfred Georg Weiss studied initially at the University of Innsbruck/Tyrol, from fall term 1934/35 at the Philosophical School of the University of Vienna. He first lived in Vienna 9th district, Porzellangasse 22/1, in spring term 1936 in Vienna 9th district, Berggasse 14 (leaving certificate ('Abgangszeugnis’) issued by the University of Vienna on June 11th, 1937). In spring term 1937 he studied at the University of Hamburg, then returned to Vienna, where he lived in Vienna 9th district, Muellnergasse 16/15. He was enrolled finally in fall term 1937/38 at the Philosophical School in the 4th year of his studies and took courses in History and German language and literature Studies ('Absolutorium' was certified on January 26th, 1938).

Weiss had registered for the final exams ('Rigorosen') in history on November 12th, 1937 and passed the one-hour-examination ('Philosophicum') on November 13th, 1937 with the philosopher Robert Reininger and on January 15th, 1838, in a repeating examination also with Karl Buehler. He submitted his dissertation 'C. L. von Woltmann.' on December 3rd, 1937, it was not accepted ('approbiert') by his doctoral advisors the historians Heinrich von Srbik and Hans Hirsch on December 21st, 1937, but accepted after revision January 21st, 1938. On January 14th, 1938 he failed also the second final exam with his advisors Srbik, Hirsch and Josef Nadler, professor of German language, but passed on January 21st 1938. He was able to finish his studies and graduated at the Philosophical School of the University of Vienna on March 8th, 1938 with the academic degree 'Dr. phil.' Weiss was able to emigrate from Prague/Czechoslovakia to the USA in 1939, his sister Kaethe (born in 1907) to Brazil – she became a doctor in law.
His mother Antonie Weiss was deported to the ghetto in Warsaw/Poland on April 14th, 1942 via Berlin. Alfred Georg Weiss died, aged only 54 - he was drowned in Lake Nacimiento - on February 11th, 1968 in California and is buried at Los Osos Valley Memorial Park in San Luis Obispo County, California/USA.

Lit.: Archive of the University of Vienna/enrollment forms ("Nationale") PHIL 1937-1938, registry of final examinations ("Rigorosenprotokoll") PHIL Nr. 13893, graduation registry ("Promotionsprotokoll") PHIL 1931-1941, Nr. 2563, PHIL GZ 8 ex 1937/38 Nr. 24; POSCH/INGRISCH/DRESSEL 2008, 498; obituary in The Arroyo Grande Valley Herald Recorder from February 15th, 1968, 16; information from Christian Repkewitz, Germany, 2014;

Katharina Kniefacz and Herbert Posch

Nationale of Alfred G. Weiss, fall term 1937/38 (1st form front), Photo: H. Posch (c) Universitätsarchiv Wien

Nationale of Alfred G. Weiss, fall term 1937/38 (1st form back), Photo: H. Posch (c) Universitätsarchiv Wien

Alfred Georg Weiss' curriculum vitae from December 3rd, 1937 (page 1), final examination files, Philosophical School No. 13893, Photo: Katharina Kniefacz, (c) Vienna University Archive

Alfred Georg Weiss' curriculum vitae from December 3rd, 1937 (page 2), final examination files, Philosophical School No. 13893, Photo: Katharina Kniefacz, (c) Vienna University Archive

Alfred Georg Weiss' curriculum vitae from December 3rd, 1937 (page 3), final examination files, Philosophical School No. 13893, Photo: Katharina Kniefacz, (c) Vienna University Archive
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