Alfred Weihs
Born: |
10-08-1920 |
Faculty: |
Philosophical School |
Category: |
Expelled student |
Alfred WEIHS, born on October 8th, 1920 in Vienna/Austria (entitled residency ('heimatberechtigt') for Vienna/Austria, Citizenship: Austria), son of Josef Weihs (Hauptmann a.D.) and his wife Rosa Weihs (nee Wolf), lived in Klosterneuburg/Lower Austria, Friedhofgasse 7 and attended a state high school ('Staatsgymnasium, Form A') in Klosterneuburg from 1930 to 1938. After he had graduated from high school in May 1938, he enrolled at the Philosophical School in fall term 1938/39 and took courses in English and Romance language and literature Studies. He was discriminated as a so called 'Mischling 1. Grades' and could continue his studies at first - valid until revoked. Although he was classified as "fit for duty" by the German Army, he first was not recruited due to his studies and was finally enrolled in the first trimester 1940 at the Philosophical School in the 2nd year of his studies.
From 1940 on students who were categorized as ‘Mischlinge’ had to apply at the Reichserziehungsministerium Berlin to study at the university. Therefore, Alfred Weihs wrote an application to continue his studies, but the Reichserziehungsministerium Berlin forced him to quit his studies on May 28th, 1940 and again on September 14th, 1940.
He survived World War II in Vienna. His mother’s brother, attorney Arthur Wolf (born on November 16th, 1894 in Vienna, died in 1969), who had gained his 'Dr.jur.' at the University of Vienna in 1920, was able to emigrate to the USA in 1939.
After the war Alfred Weihs first worked as secretary of the municipal administration of Klosterneuburg from June 1945 until May 1946. Subsequently, he was radio presenter, commentator and director at the RAVAG (Austrian Radio), until he became deputy head of the foreign service there. Later he was deputy head of the shortwave service and of the international exchange of programmes at the Austrian Broadcasting.
He married Margarethe, nee Springer (born in 1931 in Vienna) and on November 24th, 1953 their daughter Elisabeth was born. The family lived in Vienna 6th district, Grabnergasse 1-5/7/15 until 1956, then in Vienna 8th district, Josefsgasse 10/1/1/5.
In 1947/48 and 1951/52 Fred Weihs also enrolled at the Philosophical School of the University of Vienna, again, resuming his studies in Romance and English language and literature he had begun more than ten years before. As compensation for the political perpetration suffered, had had to complete only 6 of usual 8 terms. He submitted his doctoral thesis ('Dissertation') on 'Das unanimistische Bewußtsein bei Jules Romains' (advisors: Prof. Dr. Hofer, Prof. Dr. Josef Brüch), which was approbated on May 21st, 1957. Weihs passed the two-hour-final exam ('Rigorosum') on June 14th, 1958, the one-hour-final exam on July 2nd, 1958 and was graduated 'Dr.phil.' at the University of Vienna on July 11th, 1958.
The marriage of Alfred Weihs and Margarete nee Springer was divorced in 1958, Their daughter Elisabeth lived with her father in Vienna 17th district, Andergasse 58, from 1959 on. In 1960 he married his second wife Gertrud (born on July 31st, 1933 in Ebensee).
Due to internal conflicts Alfred Weihs finally left the broadcasting sector and operated as a filling station franchise holder for a short period. Then he started working in the aviation sector – first at Air India, which had its seat in Vienna 1st district, Opernring, and some years later at Austrian Airlines, where he became regional manager.
Some years later Dipl.Vw..Othmar Luczensky, general director of the Danube Shipping Company ("Erste Donau-Dampfschiffahrt-Gesellschaft mbH", DDSG) and a mutual friend, brought him in the company to manage the lately incorporated shipping agency SACKEN. After the agency was sold again in 1978, Alfred Weihs retired as a member of the board of directors of the DDSG.
Although retired he still remained active professionally: He bought a record store in Klosterneuburg and ran it for ten years. Besides, he he taught speech technique at the ORF (Austrian Television) and several administrative schools.
"Seine große Liebe in der Pension galt aber dem Amateurfunk. Mit 66 Jahren machte er die Funkerprüfung, baute ein neues, kleineres Haus , dafür aber mit riesiger Antenne und widmete viele Stunden dem Funken, wobei er des Öfteren World Contests gewann. (Dabei ging es darum, möglichst viele Stationen weltweit innerhalb einer bestimmten Zeit anzufunken oder 'hereinzubekommen'.) Zeitgeschichte war immer sein großes Interesse und wurde fast zum 'Studium', viele Daten, Fakten und Namen konnte man jederzeit bei ihm abrufen." (information from his daughter Dipl.Päd. Elisabeth Pfleger, Vienna, 2014)
Alfred Weihs died in 2006.
Lit.: information from his daughter Dipl.Päd. Elisabeth Pfleger, Vienna, 2014; Vienna University Archive /Philosophical School: Nationale 1938-1940/1947-1952, final examination registry ('Rigorosenprotokoll'), Ph 59.60, No. 19672, final examination file ('Rigorosenakt') PH RA No. 19672; Vienna City archive/Historical Central Registration of Viennese inhabitants, September 1st, 2014; Kürschners Biographisches Theater-Handbuch, 1956; Barbara SAUER u. Ilse REITER-ZATLOUKAL, Advokaten 1938. Das Schicksal der in den Jahren 1938 bis 1945 verfolgten österreichischen Rechtsanwältinnen und Rechtsanwälte, Wien 2010, S. 368 [Dr. Arthur Wolf]; KNIEFACZ/POSCH 2016.
Katharina Kniefacz