University of Vienna - Main page

Walter Wachs

Born: 08-02-1913
Faculty: Medical School | Medical University Vienna
Category: Expelled student
Walter WACHS, born on August 2nd, 1913 in Vienna/Austria (entitled residency ('heimatberechtigt') for Vienna/Austria, Citizenship: Austria), son of Osias Wachs (huckster), lived in Wien 20, Gaußplatz 7/21, was first enrolled at the Medical School in 1933/34 and then from springterm 1936 until springterm 1938 - finally in the 4th year of his studies. Walter Wachs deceased in Vienna in 1991.

Lit.: information from Mag.a Linda Erker, Vienna 2017; ERKER 2016, 38-40, TIDL 1976, 178-182, 195, 227; RÖDER I 1980, 786; BLATNIK 2010, 242-243; DÖW/Spanienarchiv, Personendossier Walter Wachs, DÖW/Spanienarchiv-online; Archive of the University of Vienna S 185.596, S 185.924.

Linda Erker & Herbert Posch

Nationale of Walter Wachs, fall term 1937/38 (1st form front), Photo: H. Posch (c) Universitätsarchiv Wien

Nationale of Walter Wachs, fall term 1937/38 (1st form back), Photo: H. Posch (c) Universitätsarchiv Wien

Nationale of Walter Wachs, spring termn 1938 (1st form front), Photo: H. Posch (c) Universitätsarchiv Wien

Nationale of Walter Wachs, spring termn 1938 (1st form back), Photo: H. Posch (c) Universitätsarchiv Wien

Nationale of Walter Wachs, spring term 1934 (1st form front), Photo: H. Posch (c) Vienna University Archive

Nationale of Walter Wachs, spring term 1934 (1st form back), Photo: H. Posch (c) Vienna University Archive
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