Martin Herbert Vogel
Born: |
12-24-1911 |
Faculty: |
Philosophical School |
Category: |
Deprivation of academic degree |
Martin Herbert VOGEL (b. on December 24
th, 1911 in Vienna/Austria-Hungarian Empire), (entitled to live in Vienna, citizenship 1938: Austria), son of Friedrich Vogel (b. 1888 Vienna, conductor) and Johanna Maria Vogel, née Hudecek (b. 1891 Vienna), lived in Vienna's 19
th district, Hammerschmiedgasse 18, later in Vienna's 5
th district, Pfluggasse 5.
He converted from Judaism to the Protestant faith A. B. already as a child in 1914, then took the school-leaving examination (Matura) at the Bundesrealschule Vienna's 9
th district, Glasergasse 25, on July 7
th, 1931, and studied at the Philosophical School from the fall term of 1931/32 to the spring term of 1936, taking courses in philosophy ("Absolutorium" was issued on October 8
th, 1936).
He had registered for the viva voce or final examinations ("Rigorosen") in philosophy on January 28
th, 1938, and his dissertation "Neuere Standpunkte im Kategorienproblem" (supervisor: Reininger, Meister) had been approved on February 14
th, 1938. Thereupon, on April 29
th, 1938, he successfully entered the two-hour viva with his dissertation supervisors Reininger and Meister, and on June 9
th, 1938, he also successfully passed the one-hour viva minor in classical philology with Mewaldt and Mras. He was thus still able to graduate with a regular doctorate on June 21
st, 1938.
At the beginning of December 1944, he was expatriated from the German Reich, because he had emigrated to Switzerland ( expatriation list No.354, published in the
Deutscher Reichsanzeiger of December 9
th, 1944), whereupon on January 18
th, 1945, he was also deprived of his academic degree by the University of Vienna for racist reasons, since he was considered "as a Jew unworthy of an academic degree from a German university" ("eines akademischen Grades einer deutschen Hochschule unwuerdig") under National Socialism. This deprivation was no longer published in the
Deutsche Reichsanzeiger in accordance with the 2
nd implementing regulation to the "Law on the Conduct of Academic Degrees".
It was not until 63 years after the revocation and a very long time after the end of National Socialism that the doctoral degree was restored to him in 2008, or the revocation declared "null and void from the beginning".
Lit.: Archive of the University of Vienna/enrollment forms ("Nationale") PHIL 1931-1936, final examination registry and file ("Rigorosenakt und -protokoll") PHIL 14162, graduation registry ("Promotionsprotokoll") PHIL (1931-1941) No 2672, Rectorate GZ 151 ex 1942/43 (= S 127.9) No 139-141; POSCH 2009, 488; Deutscher Reichsanzeiger from December 9th, 1944, 354. Ausbuergerungsliste, No 89;
Herbert Posch