University of Vienna - Main page

Martin Herbert Vogel

Born: 12-24-1911
Faculty: Philosophical School
Category: Deprivation of academic degree
Martin Herbert VOGEL (b. on December 24th, 1911 in Vienna/Austria-Hungarian Empire), (entitled to live in Vienna, citizenship 1938: Austria), son of Friedrich Vogel (b. 1888 Vienna, conductor) and Johanna Maria Vogel, née Hudecek (b. 1891 Vienna), lived in Vienna's 19th district, Hammerschmiedgasse 18, later in Vienna's 5th district, Pfluggasse 5. He converted from Judaism to the Protestant faith A. B. already as a child in 1914, then took the school-leaving examination (Matura) at the Bundesrealschule Vienna's 9th district, Glasergasse 25, on July 7th, 1931, and studied at the Philosophical School from the fall term of 1931/32 to the spring term of 1936, taking courses in philosophy  ("Absolutorium" was issued on October 8th, 1936). He had registered for the viva voce or final examinations ("Rigorosen") in philosophy on January 28th, 1938, and his dissertation "Neuere Standpunkte im Kategorienproblem" (supervisor: Reininger, Meister) had been approved on February 14th, 1938. Thereupon, on April 29th, 1938, he successfully entered the two-hour viva with his dissertation supervisors Reininger and Meister, and on June 9th, 1938, he also successfully passed the one-hour viva minor in classical philology with Mewaldt and Mras. He was thus still able to graduate with a regular doctorate on June 21st, 1938. At the beginning of December 1944, he was expatriated from the German Reich, because he had emigrated to Switzerland ( expatriation list No.354, published in the Deutscher Reichsanzeiger of December 9th, 1944), whereupon on January 18th, 1945, he was also deprived of his academic degree by the University of Vienna for racist reasons, since he was considered "as a Jew unworthy of an academic degree from a German university" ("eines akademischen Grades einer deutschen Hochschule unwuerdig") under National Socialism. This deprivation was no longer published in the Deutsche Reichsanzeiger in accordance with the 2nd implementing regulation to the "Law on the Conduct of Academic Degrees". It was not until 63 years after the revocation and a very long time after the end of National Socialism that the doctoral degree was restored to him in 2008, or the revocation declared "null and void from the beginning".

Lit.: Archive of the University of Vienna/enrollment forms ("Nationale") PHIL 1931-1936, final examination registry and file ("Rigorosenakt und -protokoll") PHIL 14162, graduation registry ("Promotionsprotokoll") PHIL (1931-1941) No 2672, Rectorate GZ 151 ex 1942/43 (= S 127.9) No 139-141; POSCH 2009, 488; Deutscher Reichsanzeiger from December 9th, 1944, 354. Ausbuergerungsliste, No 89;

Herbert Posch

Martin Vogel, deprevation of academic degree 1944, © Archive of the University of Vienna

Martin Vogel, deprevation of academic degree 1945, © Archive of the University of Vienna

graduation registry ("Promotionsprotokoll") PHIL 1938, Martin Vogel, No 2672, © Archive of the University of Vienna

Martin Vogel, obligatory declaration "Non-Jewish" to be able to graduate 1938, © Archive of the University of Vienna
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