University of Vienna - Main page

Bruno W. Volk

Born: 09-25-1909
Faculty: Medical School | Medical University Vienna
Category: Expelled teacher

Bruno Wilhelm (William) VOLK, born on September 25th, 1909 in Vienna/Austro-Hungarian Empire [Austria] as the son of Emil Volk (1882-1931) and Stefanie Volk, née Ganz (b. 1881), had studied medicine at the University of Vienna, graduated as "Dr. med. univ." on May 4th, 1934, and had been an assistant physician with a fellowship at the I. Surgical-University-Clinic (head: Prof. Egon Ranzi) of the Medical School of the University of Vienna since January 1936 and lived in Vienna's 3rd district, Kegelgasse 32/4.

He was persecuted under National Socialism on racial grounds and dismissed from the university clinic as a Jew in April 1938, and his position was filled by Dr. Wilhelm Pohl from May 1st.

He was forced to flee Austria in 1938 and was able to emigrate in time on July 25th, 1938, first to Belgrade, Yugoslavia [Serbia] and later from Dubrovnik [Croatia] to the U.S., arriving with the SS Vulcania in New York City, NY, on October 13th, 1938.

He stayed in the U.S., established his own practice and worked as an intern in a Chicago hospital beginning in February 1939, married Vienna-born Ida Ehrlich (1915-1994) in Chicago, IL, on September 14th, 1939, and their daughter, Susan E. Volk, was born in 1947. He was a U.S. citizen from 1944 and he and his family then lived and worked in Hoylton, Washington, IL, in Forest Hills, NY from 1951, and in California from 1977.

Dr. Bruno W. Volk died on February 3rd, 1992 in Los Angeles, CA/USA.

Lit.: Archives of the University of Vienna/National MED 1927-1934, doctoral transcript MED 1929-1941 No. 2300, Rectorate GZ 677 ex 1937/38,ONr. 91, GZ 680/I ex 1937/38, GZ 730 ex 1937/38 ONr. 4 u. 10; AmMWSc 19|American Men & Women of Science, New Providence, NJ 1994; WhoWorJ 1978|I.J. Carmin Karpman (ed.), Who's Who in World Jewry, Tel-Aviv 1978; REITER-ZATLOUKAL/SAUER 2023; courtesy of Dr. Barbara Sauer, Vienna 10/2022.

Herbert Posch

Bruno Volk, 1939

Bruno Volk, medical graduation register ("Promotionsprotokoll") 1929-1941 No. 2300 © Archive of the University of Vienna

Bruno Volk, List of the Medical Dean's Office of April 12th, 1938, on dismissed employees © Archive of the University of Vienna

Bruno Volk, List of the Medical Dean's Office of April 12th, 1938, on dismissed employees © Archive of the University of Vienna

Confirmation of the Ministry of Education to the University of Vienna of May 17th, 1938, regarding executed dismissals © Archive of the University of Vienna

Confirmation of the Ministry of Education to the University of Vienna of May 17th, 1938, regarding executed dismissals © Archive of the University of Vienna
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