University of Vienna - Main page

Reinfried Uchann

Born: 05-15-1905
Faculty: Philosophical School
Category: Deprivation of academic degree
Reinfried UCHANN (born on May 15th, 1905 in Klagenfurt/Carinthia), had graduated at the Philosophical School at the University of Vienna in Chemistry on December 20th, 1928 with the academic degree 'Dr. phil.' (dissertation: 'Über die katalytische Abspaltung von Alkohol aus Acetalen. Darstellung von ungesaettigten Äthern.'). In 1929 Uchann became plant chemist in the "Bleiberger Bergwerksunion" (BBU) and was plant manager in Arnoldstein/Carinthia from 1932 on.

In times of Nazism he did not became a member of the National Socialist Party (NSDAP) like most of the managers of BBU (ca. 70%) did. Nevertheless, he was appointed production manager of the chemical factories of the BBU in 1940. Just in the same year he was arrested and condemned to two years in prison because of "listening of to enemy radio broadcasts" ("Abhoeren von Feindsendern").
He was deprived of his academic degree on September 1st, 1942 because of his political opinion.

After Worls War II Reinfried Uchann first worked as director of the chemical plants of the BBU in Gailitz. The BBU and its processing businesses were put under public administration in 1946 ("Verstaatlichtengesetz") and Uchann was appointed public administrator in March 1947. He was the first non-mineworker in the business management and initiated an expansion and change of emphasis from mining to metal-chemical processing.
It took 7 years since the deprivation until the regranting of the doctorate took finally place on January 11th, 1949.

In 1950 former central manager Gustav Heinisch became second public administrator with Uchann. On July 30th, 1951 the first Supervisory Board meeting was held and the public adminstration was suspended.
Together with Heinisch, Uchann became chairman of the BBU, supplemented by commercial director Franz Primas in November 1951.
Reinfried Uchann worked in the management of the company until March 1968.

Lit.: Thomas ZELOTH, Zwischen Staat und Markt. Geschichte der Bleiberger Bergwerks Union und ihrer Vorlaeuferbetriebe, Klagenfurt 2004, 255, 405, 495, 513-515, 531-534.

Katharina Kniefacz

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