University of Vienna - Main page

Michael Thalheim

Born: 05-11-1897
Faculty: Medical School | Medical University Vienna
Category: Expelled student
Dr. phil. Michael THALHEIM, born on May 11th, 1897 in Przemysl, Galicia/Austro-Hungarian Empire [Przemyśl/Poland] (entitled residency ('heimatberechtigt') for Vienna/Austria, Citizenship: Austria), son of Joachim Thalheim (physician, deceased), lived in Vienna's 2nd district, Praterstrasse 66/5. After First World War he had studied general and indogermanic language studies at the Philosophical School of the University of Vienna and had graduated in 1922 ("Dr.phil") with a dissertational thesis "Die Preussische Religion in der Heidenzeit" [Prussian Religion in pagan times] and started to study medicine at the Medical School of the University of Vienna in the early 1930ies. after a break between 1933 and 1937 he restarted his studies in fall term 1937/38 and was enrolled finally in the spring term 1938 at the Medical School in the 4th year of his studies. In 1938, after the takeover of power of National-Socialism he was forced to quit his studies for racist reason (Leaving Certificate ('Abgangszeugnis') was issued on July 18th, 1938) and to leave the University of Vienna.

Lit.: Archive of the University of Vienna/enrollment forms ("Nationale") MED 1937-1938, final graduation registry and -files ("Rigorosenprotokoll und-akt") PHIL 5478, graduation registry ("Promotionsprotokoll") PHIL 1913-1922/1922-1931; POSCH/INGRISCH/DRESSEL 2008, 489.

Herbert Posch

Nationale of Michael Thalheim, fall term 1937/38 (1st form front), Photo: H. Posch (c) Universitätsarchiv Wien

Nationale of Michael Thalheim, fall term 1937/38 (1st form back), Photo: H. Posch (c) Universitätsarchiv Wien

Nationale of Michael Thalheim, spring termn 1938 (1st form front), Photo: H. Posch (c) Universitätsarchiv Wien

Nationale of Michael Thalheim, spring termn 1938 (1st form back), Photo: H. Posch (c) Universitätsarchiv Wien
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