University of Vienna - Main page

René Taube

Born: 10-08-1919
Faculty: Medical School | Medical University Vienna
Category: Expelled student
René TAUBE, born on October 8th, 1919 in Vienna/Austria (entitled residency ('heimatberechtigt') for Vienna/Austria, Citizenship: Austria), son of Arthur Taube (merchant), lived in Wien 1, Seilerstätte 10, was enrolled finally in the spring term 1938 at the Medical School in the 1st year of her studies. He was forced to quit his studies for racist reason and to leave the University of Vienna in 1938.

More detailed biography only in >>> German - to be translated soon.

Lit.: POSCH/INGRISCH/DRESSEL 2008, 487; Archive of the University of Vienna/Enrollment forms ("Nationale") MED 1937-1938; Maria-Luise Kreuter, "Wo liegt Ecuador? Exil in einem unbekannten Land 1938 bis zum Ende der fünfziger Jahre", Berlin 1995; obituary in "The Washington Post" 2013; information of Bernd Waeltz, Dietzenbach 05/2019; documentary film "An Unknown Country" (director: Eva Zelig, 2015, about central european emigration to Ecuador [online]; Jews of Ecuador; WIKIPEDIA.

Herbert Posch

Nationale of René Taube, fall term 1937/38 (1st form front), Photo: H. Posch (c) Universitätsarchiv Wien

Nationale of René Taube, fall term 1937/38 (1st form back), Photo: H. Posch (c) Universitätsarchiv Wien

Nationale of René Taube, spring termn 1938 (1st form front), Photo: H. Posch (c) Universitätsarchiv Wien

Nationale of René Taube, spring termn 1938 (1st form back), Photo: H. Posch (c) Universitätsarchiv Wien

René Taube as an actor at the "Kammerspiele" in Quito/Ecuador 1946 (screenplay "Esther" w. Vera Kohn-Kogan), Abb.: KREUTER 1995, 255

René Taube on play bill of "Kammerspiele" in Quito/Ecuador 1949 (in screenplay "Antigone"), Abb.: KREUTER 1995, 257

Rene Taube with his wife Renata, née Aron and friends

Rene Taube with his wife Renata and Gabriele D'Amcourt, Ecuador 2002
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