University of Vienna - Main page

Franz Karl Subal

Born: 11-12-1924
Faculty: Medical School | Medical University Vienna
Category: Expelled student

Franz Karl SUBAL, born on November 12th, 1924 in Vienna (entitled residency ("heimatberechtigt") in Vienna, citizenship 1938: Austria), son of the ophthalmologist Dr. med Franz Subal (1893-1967) and the youth physician Dr. med Mathilde Subal, née Weiss (1887-1939), lived in Vienna's 1st district, Bösendorferstrasse 5. He had successfully passed his school-leaving examination (Matura) at the Gymnasium in Vienna's 2nd district, Amerlingstraße 6, in 1942, was deferred from front-line service for one year for health reasons and began his medical studies at the University of Vienna in the spring term of 1942.

He had been Protestant since birth - his parents had converted from Roman Catholicism to Protestantism (A.B.) before their marriage - but was persecuted under National Socialism as a "Mischling of the 1st or 2nd degree" (as were his sisters Annemarie Wanko, née Subal (1920-2003) and Elisabeth Subal (1923-2019), who were also studying medicine), as his deceased maternal grandfather, principal of a German factory school in Bosnia and baptized a Roman Catholic in 1885, had belonged to the Israelite religious community at birth in 1861.

When the Gausippenamt discovered that his other grandmother was Aryan but "temporarily" married to a Jew, he was considered by the Gausippenamt to be a "Mischling of the 1st degree". As such, he would not have been able to continue his studies or gain a doctorate and would not have been licensed as a doctor. He therefore submitted an application to the Reichsstatthalterei Vienna to be considered only as a "Mischling of the 2nd degree", as three of his grandparents were "racially Aryan", but was unable to enter military or labor service until this was completed and applied for permission to study. This study permit was approved by the Reich Ministry of Education on May 8th, 1942 (WF 1339) for an initial 3 semesters, and after the positive decision that he was only to be considered a "Mischling of the 2nd degree", the Reich Ministry of Education also approved the continuation and completion of his studies on April 5th, 1943. At the same time, however, he was called up to the German Wehrmacht in the spring term of 1943, his third semester, where he was deployed as a rifleman in the Second World War.

The medical student Franz Karl Subal was killed in an air raid on November 26th, 1944 and is buried in the family grave at the Protestant cemetery in Vienna-Matzleinsdorf.

Lit.: Archive of the University of Vienna/enrollment forms ("Nationale") MED 1942-1943, Rectorate GZ 97/I ex 1942/43, Rectorate GZ 97/I ex 1944/45; Austrian State Archives OeStA/AdR/02-Unterricht/Kurator d. wiss. Hochsch. Wien (K. 13)/GZ 5201 ex 1940-1943; find deceased in Vienna (prot.); death notice in: Neues Wiener Tagblatt from December 10th, 1944, 4.

Herbert Posch

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