University of Vienna - Main page

Max Streifler

Born: 05-02-1915
Faculty: Medical School | Medical University Vienna
Category: Expelled student
Max STREIFLER, born on May 2nd, 1915 in Jazłowiec, Galicia/Austro-Hungarian Empire [s.1919: Poland, s. 1945: Язловець/Ukraine] (entitled residency ("heimatberechtigt") for Vienna/Austria, Citizenship: Austria), son of Jonas Streifler (agent), lived in Vienna 2nd, Adambergergasse 5, was enrolled finally in the fall term 1937/38 at the Medical School in the 4th year of his studies (Leaving Certificate ("Abgangszeugnis") was issued on July 18th, 1938, fall term 1937/38 was validated on March 26th, 1938).

He was forced to quit his studies for racist reason in 1938 and was expelled from the University of Vienna

He had to flee Vienna and was able to emigrate to Palestine [Israel], where he graduated in 1944 from medical school.
From 1956 to 1981 he established and led the Department of Neurology and Psychiatry at Tel Aviv Municipal-Governmental Medical Center.

Since 1987 he was Medical Director of the Office for Restitution Claims to Germany for persecution-related physical and health damage. Prof. Streifler was involved in many international scientific projects, including from 1985 to 1988 in research projects at the Department of Neurology in the nursing home in Vienna-Lainz.

On May 17th, 1990, he has been awarded the Gold Medal of Honor of the Federal Capital Vienna in the Vienna City Hall by Health Councilor Sepp Rieder. He died in 2002.

Lit.: POSCH/INGRISCH/DRESSEL 2008, 486; Archive of the University of Vienna/Nationale MED 1937-1938; Rathauskorrespondenz press-seservice: OTS067 1990-05-17.

Herbert Posch

Nationale of Max Streifler, fall term 1937/38 (1st form front), Photo: H. Posch (c) Universitätsarchiv Wien

Nationale of Max Streifler, fall term 1937/38 (1st form back), Photo: H. Posch (c) Universitätsarchiv Wien
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