University of Vienna - Main page

Hanns Porias

Born: 04-02-1903
Faculty: Philosophical School
Category: Expelled student
Hanns PORIAS, born on April 2nd, 1903 in Graz, Styria/Austro-Hungaria as son of Dr.jur. Ernst Porias (lawyer, president of the senate of the highest court of Styria). After graduating ("Matura"/"Reifepruefung") from the Academic Gymnasium Graz, he attended the graduation course of the local commercial academy and at the same time started to study law at the University of Graz and graduated there. In October 1925 he entered the judicial service, passed his judicial examination in 1928, became a judge in 1929 and a prosecutor in Graz in March 1935 and was transferred to the prosecutor's office Vienna I in July 1935, where he was mainly involved in business agendas. After the "Anschluss", the seizure of power by National-Socialism in March 1938, he was first on leave and on April 17th, 1939 put into early retirement on racial grounds - he was considered a "Mischling 1st degree" in National-Socialist terms. In the meantime, he had enrolled at the College of World Trade ("Hochschule fuer Welthandel", today "Wirtschaftsuniversitaet Wien") and started business studies in fall term 1938/39. He was allowed to continue with his studies - valid until revoked. He was even able to finish his studies and to graduate on January 29th, 1940 and gained the academic degree of a "Diplomkaufmann (Dkfm.)". The diploma, however, was provided with a blocking clause, which amounted to a professional ban. Banned from his profession he enrolled at the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Vienna in 1940 and took up the study of chemistry. Starting from the first trimester 1940 an application to the Reich Ministry of Education Berlin has to be submitted by so called "Mischlinge" for special allowance to continue with their studies. For this purpose, the dean responsible also had to prepare an appraisal that "had to deal in particular with the personal impression of the personality and the appearance of the applicant. It should be mentioned whether and to what extent features of the Jewish race are externally recognizable by the applicant." [Decree of the Reich Ministry of Education, January 5th, 1940]. Prof. Ernst Spaeth, head of the institute of chemistry, ignored this request and informed dean Victor Christian in his report of April 23rd, 1940: "Hanns Porias works at the II. Laboratory of chemistry only for a few months. Since he has analyzed only a few samples so far, no closer judgment can be delivered on his practical skills. However, he is very diligent and interested." But the Reich Ministry of Education Berlin prohibited any further enrollment on May 28th, 1940, with reference to his classification as a "Mischling 1st degree" and he was forced to leave the University of Vienna. He then joined a wholesale company in May 1940 and worked as a "legal clerk" in a patent law firm in Vienna. Only after the end of National-Socialism, in April 1945, he was reestablished in the Viennese public prosecutor's office and shortly afterwards in July 1945 in the Austrian patent office. In the fall term 1945/46 and in the spring term 1946 he took further courses at the College of World Trade, but no longer at the University of Vienna. Later he worked at the Highest Administration Court of Austria and became its Vicepresident. Dkfm. Dr.iur Hanns Porias deceased on December 22nd, 1992 in Vienna and is burried in cemetery Hietzing.

Lit.: Archive of the University of Vienna/Rectorate GZ 944 ex 1939/40/41, PHIL GZ 743 ex 1939/40; Archive of the Economic University of Vienna, 1946/183; information from Doz. Dr. Johannes Koll, Vienna 07/2019; information from his son ambassador i.R. Dr. Hanns Porias, Wien 01/2020; Memorial Book for the Victims of National Socialism at the Hochschule für Welthandel 1938-1945; find a grave in Vienna.

Herbert Posch

Dr. Hanns Porias, Senate's president Higher Administration Court, 1970ies, © Botschafter i.R. Dr. Hanns Porias, Vienna

Nationale of Hanns Porias, I. Trimester 1940, front

Nationale of Hanns Porias, I. Trimester 1940, back
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