University of Vienna - Main page

Stephan Brassloff

Born: 06-18-1875
Faculty: Law School
Category: Expelled teacher
Stephan BRASSLOFF (born on June 18th, 1875 in Vienna, died on February 28th, 1943 in Theresienstadt [Terezín/Czech Republic]) was in 1938 ao. Prof. for Römisches Recht at the Law School of the University of Vienna.  He was persecuted in times of Nazism as a Jew lost his position and was decommissioned already in March 1938. On April 22nd, 1938, he was removed from his position and temporally retired in June 1938. On March 21st, 1939 he was finally deprived from the receivement of any retirement payments and depending on welfare benefits from the Jewish Community of Vienna.
In 1942 he was deported to Theresienstadt together with his wife Ottilie. His wife died there on September 21st, 1942, Brassloff on February 25th, 1943.

Lit.: Exhibition "Bedrohte Intelligenz – Von der Polarisierung und Einschüchterung zur Vertreibung und Vernichtung im NS-Regime", Vienna 2015; GOLD 1971; GÖPPINGER 1990.

Katharina Kniefacz

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