University of Vienna - Main page

Josef Taubmann

Born: 06-05-1910
Faculty: Law School
Category: Expelled student
Josef TAUBMANN, born on June 5, 1910 in Solotwina, Austro-Hungaria, Galicia [after 1918 Poland, today Солотвин, Ukraine], son of Rubin and Serl Taubmann. They lived in Viennas' 2 district, Nordpolstrasse 3. He studied at the Law School of the University of Vienna. He had finished all his courses and was no more enrolled but was studying for the final examinations (Absolutorium, November 13, 1935). ( biography only in German - to be translated soon )

Lit.: Austrian State Archive / AdR / BMF / AHF; information from Dr. Barbara Sauer (Project "Medical Doctors in Austria 1938-1945. Deprivation of Rights, Expulsion, Murder") September 2017.

Herbert Posch

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