University of Vienna - Main page

Hans Gallus Pleschner

Born: 01-03-1883
Faculty: Medical School | Medical University Vienna
Category: Expelled teacher
Hans Gallus PLESCHNER (born on January 3rd, 1883 in Carlsbad, Bohemia/Austro-Hungarian Empire [Karlovy Vary/Czech Republic], died on April 1st, 1950, in Seefeld/Tyrol) was lecturer ('Dozent') for Urology at the Medical School of the University of Vienna in 1938. He studied medicine at the Universities in Prague/Czechoslovakia and Heidelberg/Germany and graduated "" (M.D.) in Prague. In 1903 and 1904 he was demonstrator at the anatomical department, in 1908 and 1909 at the Department of of Anatomic Pathology of the University of Prague. Pleschner became surgical graduate student ("Operationszoegling") at the University Surgical Clinic in Innsbruck/Tyrol under Hermann Schloffer in 1909. Between January and March 1910 he worked as trainee student at the the surgical-urological department of the Rothschild-Spital in Vienna with Otto Zuckerkandl and from July 1910 until November 1911 as assistant at the private clinic of the urologist Leopold Casper in Berlin. In 1912 Pleschner joined the Second University Surgical Clinic in Vienna, initially as surgical graduate student, from 1916 on he assisted Julius Hochenegg and directed the urological ward. In 1920 he received the title of a lecturer for urology. In 1922 he left Hochenegg’s clinic and became head of the urological ward at Kaiserin-Elisabeth-Hospital in Vienna, which he directed until 1938. Hans Pleschner was persecuted in times of Nazism as a Jew lost his position and was thrown out of the university on December 2nd, 1938.
He moved to his cottage in Seefeld in Tirol ("Haus Pleschner"), and was able to continue practicing and perform surgeries. After the end of World War II he received his venia legendi, which was deprived in 1938, back in 1945. Furthermore, he received the license to teach at the University of Innsbruck (as the university calendars show). Just in 1945 his qualification in urology was assumed by the University of Innsbruck, leaving out the usual colloquium.
He was founding secretary of the Society of urology in 1919, its vice-chairman in 1925 and 1933,  chairman in1926 and president in 1946. He was corresponding member of the Italian and Portuguese Society of Urology since 1926. From 1913 on Pleschner was full member and from 1947 on corresponding member of the Society of Physicians in Vienna. In addition he was a member of the Free Association of surgeons in Vienna ("Freie Vereinigung der Chirurgen Wiens"). He became honorary member of the German Society of Urology in 1949. He died in Seefeld, Tyrol, on April 1st, 1950.

Lit.: Archive of the University of Vienna/personnel roster 1937/38, 38, personal file ("Personalblaetter") Senat S 304.972, rectorate GZ 680 ex 1937/38; MERINSKY 1980; MÜHLBERGER 1993, 30; Hans Gallus PLESCHNER in: Dietrich von Engelhardt, ed., Biographische Enzyklopädie deutschsprachiger Mediziner. vol 1. Munich:K.G. Saur, 2002, 472; BLUMESBERGER 2002, 1045; FIGDOR 2005; FIGDOR 2007, 168f.; UB MedUni Wien/van Swieten Blog; Hans G. Pleschner (1883–1950) [04.02.2005]; REITER-ZATLOUKAL/SAUER 2022.

Herbert Posch

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