University of Vienna - Main page

Fritz Schenk

Born: 07-17-1874
Faculty: Medical School | Medical University Vienna
Category: Expelled teacher
Fritz SCHENK (born on July 17th, 1874 in Vienna) was in 1938 lecturer ('Dozent') for dentistry ('Zahnheilkunde') at the Medical School of the University of Vienna.  Fritz Schenk studied at the Medical School of the University of Vienna, and then joined the Dental Institute in 1894. After receiving his doctorate in 1899 he was appointed head of the of the outpatient dental clinic (until 1903). In 1903 he opened a private dental practice in Vienna 9th district.
In 1916 Schenk was appointed lecturer ('Privatdozent') of Dentistry at the University of Vienna.
Until 1938 he lived in Vienna 9th district, Ferstelgasse. 6 He was persecuted in times of Nazism as a Jew, lost his position (his venia legendi was invalidated) and was thrown out of the university on April 22nd, 1938.  He was forced to close down and sell his practice. On July 28th, 1942, Fritz Schenk and his mother Rosalia Schenk (born on October 21st, 1851 in Neutra) were deported from their last address in Vienna 2nd district, Obere Donaustrasse 111/41, to Theresienstadt [Terezín/Czech Republic], where he died a short time later on August 16th, 1942.

Lit.: Exhibition "Bedrohte Intelligenz – Von der Polarisierung und Einschüchterung zur Vertreibung und Vernichtung im NS-Regime", Vienna 2015Documentation Centre of Austrian Resistance (DÖW): Austrian Victims of the HolocaustKürschners Gelehrtenkalender 1931MERINSKY 1980, 234; UB MedUni Wien/van Swieten Blog.

Katharina Kniefacz

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