University of Vienna - Main page

Johannes Klein

Born: 07-05-1904
Faculty: Medical School | Medical University Vienna
Category: Expelled student
Dipl.-Ing. Johannn KLEIN, born on July 5th, 1904 in Vienna/Austria (entitled residency ('heimatberechtigt') for Vienna/Austria, Citizenship: Austria), lived in Vienna's 4th district, Wiedner Hauptstrasse 52. After graduation from Technical University ("Dipl.-Ing.") he started to study medicin in fall term 1933/34, and was enrolled finally in spring term 1938 at the Medical School in the 5th and last year of his studies. In 1938, after the takeover of power of National-Socialism, he was forced to quit his studies for racist reason - allthough protestant -  and to leave the University of Vienna withour graduation. He could continue his studies only after the end of National-Socialism in 1945. His Leaving Certificate ("Abgangszeugnis") was issued on November 4th, 1947 and states: "Er hat der Univ. Wien vom 28.10.1933 bis zum Ende des Sommersemesters 1938 angehoert. Die waehrend dieser Zeit belegten Vorlesungen und Uebungen sind im vorliegenden Studienbuch enthalten. Ueber seine Fuehrung ist nichts Nachteiliges bekannt geworden."). He could graduate on November 26th, 1947 and finally became "Dr. med. univ.". He became a general practioner with his practice in Vienna's 1st district, Lichtenfelsgasse 7/6 and later gained the title "Medizinalrat". He was married and they had one child. Medizinalrat Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Klein deceased on March 21st, 1968.

Lit.: Archive of the University of Vienna/enrollment forms ("Nationale") MED 1937-1938, graduation register ("Promotionsprotokoll") 1947, M 33.14, Nr. 1787; information from Dr. Barbara Sauer, Vienna 07/2019.

Herbert Posch

Johannes Klein, enrollment form medical school, fall term 1937/38 (1st form front), photo: Herbert Posch), © Archive of the University of Vienna

Johannes Klein, enrollment form medical school, fall term 1937/38 (1st form back), photo: Herbert Posch), © Archive of the University of Vienna

Johannes Klein, enrollment form medical school, spring term 1938 (1st form front), photo: Herbert Posch), © Archive of the University of Vienna

Johannes Klein, enrollment form medical school, spring term 1938 (1st form back), photo: Herbert Posch), © Archive of the University of Vienna

Johannes Klein, medical graduation register ("Promotionsprotokoll") 1947, Nr. 1787, © Archive of the University of Vienna M 33.14
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