Otto Kauder
Born: |
09-15-1913 |
Faculty: |
Medical School | Medical University Vienna |
Category: |
Expelled student |
Otto KAUDER, born on September 15th, 1913 in Vienna/Austria (entitled residency ('heimatberechtigt') for Vienna/Austria, Citizenship: Austria), son of Dr. Ignatz Kauder (military, major medical corps), lived in Wien 8, Bennogasse 28, was enrolled finally in the fall term 1937/38 at the Medical School in the 5th year of his studies ('Absolutorium' was certified on November 3rd, 1938). He succeeded in finishing his studies and graduated on October 31st, 1938, but only with the discriminating ceremony of a 'Nichtarierpromotion', which included at the same time that he was banned from his profession.
He was forced to leave Vienna. Until he could flee he made an internship ("Hospitant") at the Rothschildspital in Vienna, hold by the Israelitic Jewish Community Vienna. He succeeded to emigrate to the USA (New York/NY) in 1939 via France (Le Havre). Leaving New York soon he enrolled for further postgraduate courses at the University of Wisconsin in general medicine and made an one year internship at St. Joseph's Hospital in Marshfield, Wisconsin 1939/40 and received his certificate to practice as a physician in Illinois from der governor on August 8, 1940. First he became a doctor in Shelbyville, Illinois/USA in 1941.
Then he joined the US Army from 1942-1946 as a soldier in the Second World War in Europe. In October 1946 he started as a general practitioner in Findlay and stick to it for the next four decades. He became a member of the American Medical Association, the Illinois State Medical Society, the Shelby County Medical Association and worked at the Shelby County Memorial Hospital. He was father to a daughter, Ruth Wolff. For 38 years he was also president of the Shelby County Health Department. Celebrating his 25th anniversary as practitioner in Shelbyville, October 16 became the "Dr. O. G. Kauder Day".
In private he was fishing, painting, practicing music (he had also studied arts at Millikin University), collecting stamps and gardening.
The City of Shelbyville also honored him with an addition to is welcome board: "Shelbyville, home of O. G. Kauder".
Otto Kauder died in December 2003.
Lit: information from his daughter MA Ruth Wolff, USA 2017.
Herbert Posch

Nationale of Otto Kauder, fall term 1937/38 (1st form front), Photo: H. Posch (c) Universitätsarchiv Wien

Nationale of Otto Kauder, fall term 1937/38 (1st form front), Photo: H. Posch (c) Universitätsarchiv Wien

Nationale of Otto Kauder, fall term 1937/38 (1st form front), Photo: H. Posch (c) Universitätsarchiv Wien

Nationale of Otto Kauder, fall term 1937/38 (1st form front), Photo: H. Posch (c) Universitätsarchiv Wien

Otto Kauder, 'Nichtarierpromotion' on October 31st 1938, 4148 'Promotionsprotokoll' Medical School 1929-1942, Photo: Herbert Posch, (c) Archiv Universität Wien

Otto Kauder, Absolutorium of the University of Vienna, November 3,1938, (c) Ruth Wolff, USA

Otto Kauder as a US-Army soldier, 1942, (c) Ruth Wolff, USA

Otto Kauder Day, paper-clip 1971, (c) Ruth Wolff, USA

Otto Kauder, 38 years president of Shelby County Health Departments, newsclip (c) Ruth Wolff, USA

Otto Kauder Day, invitation 1971, (c) Ruth Wolff, USA

Otto Kauder, certificate for inner medicine (Prof. Eppinger), Univ. of Vienna, January 28, 1936, (c) Ruth Wolff, USA

Otto Kauder, Emeritus member of illinois State Medical society, February 3, 1996, (c) Ruth Wolff, USA

Otto Kauder, honour Illinois Public Health Dept, paperclip, (c) Ruth Wolff, USA

Otto Kauder, honour Illinois Public Health Dept, paperclip, (c) Ruth Wolff, USA

Otto Kauder, Emeritus member of illinois State Medical society, February 3, 1996, (c) Ruth Wolff, USA

Otto Kauder, certificate to practice in Illinoi, letter of the governor from August 8,1940, (c) Ruth Wolff, USA

Otto Kauder, "Welcome to Shelbyville, Home of Dr. O G Kauder", (c) Ruth Wolff, USA

Otto Kauder, certificate to practice in Illinois as physician and surgeon, August 8,1940, (c) Ruth Wolff, USA

Otto Kauder, certificate as an intern at the jewish Rothschild hospital in Vienna, October 1938, (c) Ruth Wolff, USA