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Herta Maria Gorodetzky, verh. Moldauer

Born: 06-22-1911
Faculty: Philosophical School
Category: Expelled student
Maria Herta MOLDAUER, née GORODETZKY, born June 22nd, 1911 in Weikersdorf/Baden near Vienna, Lower Austria (entitled residance: Baden near Vienna/Lower Austria, citizenship: Austria), daughter of Dr. Alexander Gorodetzky (lawyer, came from Odessa/Russia [Ukraine] and graduated from the University of Vienna with a doctorate in law on May 26th, 1899) and Philippine Gorodetzky, née Hirsch, lived in Vienna's 1st district, Fuehrichgasse 10 in 1938. After her school-leaving examination at the public Reform Realgymnasium in Vienna's 2nd district, Hollandstrasse on June 16th, 1930, she began studying psychology at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Vienna in the fall term 1931/32 and was enrolled in the 6th and last term of her studies in the spring term 1934 ("Absolutorium" issued on November 12th, 1934). Her teachers included Prof. Karl Buehler and Prof. Charlotte Buehler. Between 1934 and 1938 she was no longer enrolled at the Faculty of Philosophy but was in the final stage of her studies and wrote her dissertation in child psychology with the title: "Ueber Lese- und Schreibe-Schwierigkeiten des Kindes im ersten Schuljahr" (On reading and writing difficulties of the child in the first school year) advised by Prof. Charlotte Buehler. For this purpose she also worked for about two and a half years at the Kinderuebernahmestelle der Gemeinde Wien, founded by Prof. Julius Tandler - among other things on a "Study on the Influence of Cinema Attendance on Children" for the Rockefeller Foundation under the direction of Prof. Charlotte Buehler, and also for half a year at two private kindergartens, thus earning her living and further developing her dissertation studies. However, she could no longer complete her studies. She married the lawyer Dr. Hans Heinrich Moldauer (1910-2008) on July 5th, 1936 in the Vienna City Temple. She and her husband had to flee Austria and were able to leave on August 15th, 1938, first to Portugal until they fled to France in November 1938 where they lived in Nice until the occupation by the Third Reich before they managed to emigrate in February 1940 from Marseille with the SS Excambion to the USA where they arrived in New York, NY on February 26th, 1940. On June 20th, 1940 they applied for US citizenship, which they received on April 24th, 1945. In the U.S. she initially worked as a laborer for various companies and as a helper in various households before she was able to return to her field of work and found employment in a kindergarten and an after-school group. They lived in New York City, NY and since 1949, she and her husband became directors of Camp Magpies, 113th str. Forest Hills 75, NY, so part of the year they lived and worked in Forest Hills, NY, USA. She died at the age of 97 on July 3rd, 2008 in the USA.

Lit: Archives University of Vienna, National PHIL 1930-1934; Austrian State Archives (OeStA)/Opferfuersorgeakt; SAUER/REITER-ZATLOUKAL 2010,158 (father); REITER-ZATLOUKAL/SAUER 2022;;

Herbert Posch

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