Hannah Arnold
Born: |
04-29-1911 |
Faculty: |
Medical School | Medical University Vienna |
Category: |
Expelled student |
Hannah ARNOLD, born on April 29th, 1911 in Vienna/Austria (entitled residency ('heimatberechtigt') for Vienna/Austria, Citizenship: Austria), was the daughter of Markus Arnold (lawyer, later farmer in Palestine).
After she had graduated from high school for girls ('Maedchenrealgymnasium') in Vienna 8th district, Albertgasse 38, on June 12, 1929, she began to study medicine at the University of Vienna in spring term 1933. She first lived with her father in Vienna 1st district, Auerspergstrasse 2/9, until he emigrated to Palestine [Israel] in 1934. Then she lived in Vienna 8th district, Piaristengasse 41.
Hannah Arnold was enrolled finally in the spring term 1938 at the Medical School in the 4th year of her studies.
She had to flee from Vienna after the so called "Anschluss" in 1938 and could emigrate to Switzerland. She could finish her medical studies there at the University of Zurich on November 8, 1939 and gained her medical degree ("Dr.med."). (The doctorate was nostrificated by the University of Vienna on October 7, 1953).
After a mariage and a divorce - she was Mrs. Hannah Juretich - and the nostrification of her Swiss academic diploma she became a neurologist ("Fachaerztin für Nerven- und Geisteskrankheiten") in the end of 1953 in Vienna and lived in Vienna's 14th district, first in Linzerstrasse 299/38/8 then in Molischgasse 19.
Hannah Arnold deceased on October 19, 1976 in Vienna.
Lit.: Archive of the University of Vienn/enrollment forms ("Nationale") MED 1933-1938; POSCH/INGRISCH/DRESSEL 2008, 356; information from Dr. Barbara Sauer, Vienna 2015; REITER-ZATLOUKAL/SAUER 2022.
Katharina Kniefacz, Herbert Posch