University of Vienna - Main page

Paul (Diego) Engel (Viga)

Born: 06-07-1907
Faculty: Medical School | Medical University Vienna
Category: Expelled teacher
Paul ENGEL (artist name: Diego Viga), born on June 7, 1905 in Vienna, and was employed as paid Assistent doctor ("Hilfsarzt mit Stipendium" at the I. university gynecological clinic (head: Prof. Kahr) until March 1938. After the takeover of power by National-Socialism in March 1938 he was forced to leave the University and the clinic for racist reason. Paul ENGEL had to flee from Austria and could emigrate. ( biography in German - to be translated soon )

Lit.: Archive of the University of Vienna, RA GZ 680 ex 1937/38; GOLD 1971, 163; Dietmar FELDEN, Diego Viga. Arzt und Schriftsteller, Hirzel Verlag, 1987; BOLBECHER/KAISER 2000; Erich HACKL, "Die Parallelen schneiden sich. Der Arzt und Hormonforscher Paul Engel aus Wien, der sich als Autor Diego Viga nannte: dringlicher Hinweis auf einen großen österreichischen Erzähler". In: Die Presse, June 1, 2007; TSCHUGGNALL 2010; REITER-ZATLOUKAL/SAUER 2022; information from Dr. Barbara Sauer, Vienna 07/2017;  Wien-Wiki; WikipediaÖsterreichische Literatur im Exil.

Herbert Posch

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