Born: | 05-21-1919 |
Faculty: | Medical School | Medical University Vienna |
Category: | Expelled student |
Berta WALD, born on May 21st, 1919 in Vienna/Austria (entitled residency ("heimatberechtigt") for Vienna/Austria, Citizenship: Austria), daughter of Bernhard Wald (1892-1952, salesman) and Erna Wald, née Zeller (1894-1962), lived in Vienna's 2nd district, Obermuellnerstrasse 17. She had graduated from highschool (Maedchenrealgymnasium Vienna 2, Novaragasse 30) in 1937 ("Matura"/"Reifepruefung"), and was enrolled finally in the fall term 1937/38 at the Medical School in the 1st year of her studies.
In 1938, after the takeover of power of National-Socialism he she was forced to quit his her studies for racist reason and to leave the University of Vienna.
She had to flee Vienna and was able to emigrate to the USA in time with her parents and her brother Adolph (1923-2004).
Berta Wald died shortly after her arrival at the age of only 20 on January 29th, 1939 in New York City, NY/USA from pneumonia and influenza and is buried at Mount Zion Cemetery in Maspeth, Queens County, NY/USA.
Lit.: Archive of the University of Vienna/enrollment forms ("Nationale") MED 1937–1938; POSCH/INGRISCH/DRESSEL 2008, 494; information from Christa Gelber-Wischetzky, Vienna 07/2022;,,
Herbert Posch