University of Vienna - Main page

Paul Heinz Ticho

Born: 10-18-1914
Faculty: Law School
Category: Expelled student
Paul Heinz TICHO, born on October 18th, 1914 in Vienna/Austria (entitled residency ('heimatberechtigt') for Vienna/Austria, Citizenship: Austria), son of Lili (born 1893) and Dr. Robert Ticho (lawyer, 1883-1957), lived in Wien 3, Bechardgasse 14, was enrolled finally in the spring term 1938 at the Law School in the 2nd year of his studies. 1938 he was forced to leave the university after the "Anschluss". Before he enrolled at the university he had finished economic high school studies ("Handelskurs der Handelsakademie der Wiener Kaufmannschaft") as well as a course in papermanufacturing and has worked as a private clerk in the paper industries, as he mentioned his application-form to emigrate to England on May 23, 1938 in Vienna. He was fluently in German and English, spoke French and some Italian, could afford the travelling expenses but his passport was expired on April 13, 1938, only a month after the "Anschluss". Whether he could emigrate together with his younger sister Eva (born 1926) and his parents is not clear. His parents could emigrate to England on March 22, 1939. His father Robert Ticho – he had graduated from Vienna University Law School on November 14, 1906 as "Dr. iur." and was a lawyer since 1913 (solicitor's office in Vienna's 1st district, Rosengasse 2) and member of the committee of the bar association – but was forced to close his office and was erased from the list of lawyers for racist reason ("Reichsbuergergesetz") after the "Anschluss" – became a clerk at the lawyers association "Hart Sons & Co Ltd." in London were he remained until his retirement. His parents as well as Paul Heinz Ticho were naturalised and became British subjects in 1949. The Naturalisation Certificate of Paul Heinz Ticho names "Palestinian" [Israel] as his nationality, not Austrian, which might be an indication, that he first emigrated to Palestine and only later to Great Britain. In England he lived at 19, Glendilla Road, London N.W.3 and became a clerk ("Temporary Clerical Assistant - London County Council". Paul Heinz Ticho deceased on February 7, 1950 in England because of cancer.

Lit.: Meldearchiv; ÖStA VA 30600; ÖStA Hilfsfonds; SAUER/REITER-ZATLOUKAL, 2010, 344; information from David Skidmore, 2015; Archive of the Jewish Community Vienna: Auswandererkartei.

Herbert Posch

Nationale of Paul Heinz Ticho, spring term 1938 (1st form front), Photo: H. Posch (c) Vienna University Archive

Nationale of Paul Heinz Ticho, spring term 1938 (1st form back), Photo: H. Posch (c) Vienna University Archive

British Naturalisation Certificate Paul Heinz Ticho, 1949, (c) Photo: David Skidmore
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