Karl Trebitsch
Born: |
03-06-1894 |
Faculty: |
Law School |
Category: |
Deprivation of academic degree |
Karl TREBITSCH (born on March 6th, 1894 in Vienna), had graduated at the Law School at the University of Vienna on June 23rd, 1919 with the academic degree 'Dr. iur.'.
Between June 1934 and September 1935 and again in April 1936 Karl Trebitsch was editor of the "Wiener Sonn- und Montags-Zeitung".
After the "Anschluss" 1938 he was able to emigrate to the USA and later worked as a piano teacher and as an associate professor of music at
Whitman college, Conservatory of Music in Walla Walla, Washington (around 1950).
In times of Nazism he was deprived of his academic degree on April 1st, 1943 with the racist argument, that he as a Jew was not considered dignified an academic degree of a German university ('eines akademischen Grades einer deutschen Hochschule unwuerdig').
It took 12 years since the deprivation – and a very long time since the end of Nazism – until the regranting of the doctorate took finally place on May 15th, 1955.
Karl Trebitsch died on October 1st, 1986 in Seattle, Washington.
Lit.: ANNO - Historische oesterreichische Zeitungen und Zeitschriften; death record of Karl Trebitsch; Union Bulletin (Walla Walla, Washington), June 1st, 1950, 6.
Katharina Kniefacz